Tuesday, January 3, 2012

for her Birthday and maybe for you too...

my sweet girl turns eleven today.
WOW. I feel like the wind has gotten knocked outta me the past week as far as birthdays go!
eleven and thirteen!? How did that happen??
The Bean has one more month of being four and then toddlers no more around here.
Okay- so I got off track there for a minute.
Do you see this lovely machine down there?

this is what my eleven year old is getting for her birthday. I think I am just as totally excited because I love Hello Kitty!!  
This machine has good reviews so I think it's going to be a fun start for her.
It's on it's way to us and I have been jotting down ideas for simple projects to teach her how to sew.
Well then, as I glanced back over my notes and doodles I thought about how many of you have said you want to learn to sew.
I was thinking how I could put together a list of cute little beginner projects and make it a happy package.  Like a downloadable pdf booklet.
What do you think?
Who wants to learn how to sew!?

Happy Birthday to my sweet girl!!


  1. cuuuuute!!! I like a little pdf booklet too :) I'm still learning how to sew!

  2. I would definitely love to learn how to sew! I don't even have a sewing machine but I'd love to get one and learn just simple stichwork to even make curtains. That would be so worth it to me! :)

    Happy Birthday to your sweet girl! :)

  3. I was looking at this exact same machine for Allison! It's crazy cute.

    I would love for you to start the beginner sewer's booklet. God knows that it would get used in my house. :)


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