Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Where's your focus??

Orange. Happy. Poppies.

I've been spending some time this week focusing on the stuff that really matters.
The main focus, my kiddos.  Other stuff too though, like my surroundings.  Where I am right now and where I want to be in say, the next 5 years.  Working out the kinks so to speak.  We've had a nice couple of warm spring days and I couldn't help but stop on the side of the road when I saw these.
some may call them weeds....Or maybe just wild flowers.  My kids call it insanity, oh well.
My definition: JUST PLAIN HAPPY.

My focus: If you don't like something, fix it.  Being a mom, woman, wife, daughter, PERSON for that matter requires a tremendous amount of juggling.  Especially if you set super high goals, standards.  Juggling can be VERY entertaining. But, also at times exhausting too. I have been telling myself too often lately "somethings always gotta give."
And though I am a BIG fan of Marilyn Monroe (ha!) I am not such the fan of letting things "give"
So, this week I have changed my focus and it's been good.

I've also been playing with my camera more.  Check out this weeks i-spy here!!!  Shoes and a little Jewelry MEEEOOOWWW! ;)

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