Friday, April 22, 2011

Sometimes, I worry about Zombies....

Not really.  But if I did, this would be the spot for me to write about it and my other random ramblings.
It's actually a phrase I stole from my 10 year old daughter. And my response was, Really?
No, once again, not really.  But it made me laugh when she said it.
I guess I'm sort of on a kick with these notebooks.
Do you want one?
Would you use one?

This zombie-esk girl is styled after that rad restroom lady.
Detailed with a dainty flower button sewed to her head and a black lace skirt you can flip up if you're like that. 
This covered notebook comes with a composition notebook and is removable 
to replace with a fresh notebook once it's filled.  Only one in the shop!
Hey, where'd you come from!?  I am betting I'm not the only momma taking pictures of products and trying to do it quickly so I don't end up with too many of these pop in your face pictures.  
Oh, and just for you, here is the sound effect:
"MOOOOOOOM! Can I see the zombie lady? can I see her? Does she say rAAAAR?  MOOOOOOM, do zombie's say raaar? Oh, there aren't zombies. You are so silly mom"

1 comment:

  1. My daughter just said to me, " I want a zombie notebook! Her daughter is cute...and lucky!!"


It's fun to get love notes: