Thursday, February 24, 2011

{3} three Things Thursday: What are you grateful for?

little peek at what I'm sticking up in the shop when I finish chatting with you-

{3} things I am so very grateful for today

1}  A new math program that showed up on my door step today.
If you have been following me long enough you already know I am a dork- but
after lots of research and time learning math with my son, I finally found a math program for him.
When it showed up on my door step this morning I was thrilled! Him, well, not so much...yet.
Curious?? it's called Teaching Textbooks and It is going to make everyone in this house happy.

2} Chopsticks.  I know, you are like what????? Just today I have used a chopstick to fish something out from under the fridge, reach a bin off the top of  the china cabinet, poke out the corners of that adorable bag up there AND eat lunch.  WoAH now, I bet you didn't know you could do so much with a chopstick!
(I of course used a different pair to eat my lunch.)  They are handy little suckers and I am glad I have some. They make me happy.

3} My little posse.  I have to say though I have complained to them A LOT today.  I love them.  A LOT.
I just wish they wouldn't be such slobs.  But I still love my little slobs and I am so very grateful for them.  Life just wouldn't be a whole life with out them.

what are you up to today?
Be grateful. You'll feel better. I promise.

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