Friday, March 12, 2010

Lady Liberty Lap Book

WOW! What a week!  We took an unexpected trip to NYC.  We explored the city for 2 days and didn't get home until early, early Wednesday.  Me, being prepared had already printed out the weeks worth of work suddenly felt stressed by how we could possibly manage to get it all done now?
My husband being of sound mind (and rest) suggested we just study some of the things we saw in NY.
Do the work next week. Phew.

SO ENTER the world of LAP BOOKS!
Lap books.  I have seen those words around on certain sites lately but was unsure of what exactly they were.  WEll, google "what is a lap book", and you will see. :-)

I think one thing in particular that was of high interest was the statue of Liberty that we saw during our entire trip there, and then were up close and personal on a ferry ride.   
I searched the Statue of Liberty and found this Lap book all ready for us.  AWESOME!!!

This was an excellent project that my little home school girl thought was "cool" and "so fun to do!"

Here are a couple of links to the youtube videos that explained to us how to make a lap book. Here and Here.
We made one that even had a flap and a pocket to hold all her handwriting sheets (that all were themed for freedom and liberty).

I am not sure how often we will do these.  But we will definitely be doing them again!  It was a great project to fill up our week. (of 2 and 1/2 days)

AND the book that was suggested to go along with the Lap book is really great.  Super interesting and great illustrations.  PERFECT for kids to learn pretty much everything that happened to make the Statue of Liberty what she is. Lady Liberty: A Biography

This was a great week!


  1. This is a great way to experience things with your kids!

  2. Thanks! I had fun learning about her too!


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