Monday, January 30, 2012

in case you didn't know...

but just maybe wanted to....
*I had a Birthday on Thursday...
but by the time everyone was home to celebrate it with me, instead of looking like this:

I looked more like this:
So not fair! I got food poisoning on my birthday!
So in case you have been waiting for something from me, I may have been detained by the porcelain god and am trying to catch up this week from the couple days lost.

*I got to have a birthday date after all. Just my babe and I.
{my mom took the kids all day on Sunday for us!}
We went into DC and tried out this new place called the Shop House. It was totally my thing. And it was really good. I want to go back. Today.

There were people celebrating Chinese New year in DC this weekend so I got to see a bunch of happy children leaving with flags and drums and fire crackers. Happy. We scored to amazing parking spots.
{in Washington, DC that's hard to do!}
Then we spent a couple hours wandering around the Smithsonian Museum. That was relaxing....
and on the way home we stopped to get iceberry
In case you didn't know I love tart frozen yogurt. It's my favorite. Yum.
My mom gave me a bunch of goodies from West Elm.
Isn't that a happy counter?
SO, don't feel too bad for me. I had a good birthday after all. 
It just was a few days late ;) 


  1. I'm SO glad you had a birthday "re-do." I'm coveting the West Elm goodies. LOVE that store! Happy birthday. :)

  2. Are those owl mugs???
    I am so jealous! I got some owl goodies for Christmas this year but they have only made me needy for more!
    Happy birthday, my dear. I'm happy to hear that you were treated like a princess!


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