Thursday, December 1, 2011

random things I am crushing on today...

I promise I am not a paid person.
I am in love with my new phone cover.
It's a gelaskin. have you heard of them? 
I got the package from Canada yesterday and I am so phyched!
It wasn't super pricey so I might have to change them out through the year.
TONSSSSSS and TONSSSS of fun options.
oh and FREE wallpaper downloads to match
(or not match if you just want a new cool wall paper ;))

oh, and remember the random lipstick post??
I was trying to get pictures of my new ear rings.
I got my girl to take pictures for me. 
She's pretty good!
(yes, still trying to figure out why the self timer won't focus)

Tricia {who was visiting here earlier this week and guest posted }sent them to me.
Her shop is Mama Nest Designs.
Super awesome customer service.
Super quick shipping.
Adorable box.
SUPER light.
and seriously, I have never had more compliments on a pair of ear rings in my life!
Someone even told me it was weird how they match my eyes.
.....weird how they...that's a compliment too right?
Seriously. She doesn't even know I am getting ready to post this. Check her out.
I am sort of stalking my next pair....
aren't they sort of awesome?
I posted at TWO other spots today.
In case you are not tired of me yet...


  1. Agreed! I've purchased so many of Tricia's items for Christmas presents -- and won a couple too ;) -- and am so excited to give them to loved ones! Those earrings look AWESOME on you girl!

  2. Y'all are making me blush! Thanks so much for supporting me and for your sweet words. :) *hugs*


It's fun to get love notes: