Thursday, June 2, 2011

{3} three Things Thursday: Be grateful.

  I sort of have a thing for frogs.  Some joke I married one.
Bet you can't guess the hubs name ;)

My {3} things today is all about the kiddos.  I am in the thick of it. Kids that is.  There is no rest for the weary when you are raising chickens, er I mean kids.

1} Do you remember the last time you let out a true blue squeal of delight?  Why is it as we get older we seem to do that less and less? I mean what's bad about it?  It's a good thing.  And why does it take more and more to produce that squeal? I love that sound.  They say a fairy is born when a baby first giggles. But I think that a happy squeal from a delighted child has to produce one or two.
This morning we were heading out of the house. I heard it. This girl was PURELY TICKLED TO THE BONE.  Funny thing? We just watched the Frog Prince yesterday...and what should she come across this morning but a frog.  Boy she was happy.  And so was I, cause like I said I sort of have a soft spot for handsome frogs.
"but I'm just not gunna kiss it mom!"

2} Who knew that a trip to the dentist on a Thursday would bring a mama a half hour of PEACE?
3 kids all in dentist chairs at the same time means 3 very quiet children.  It was a gift really. AHH a few moment of mom heaven.
AND bonus they all marched out with sparkling white teeth.

3} I love reading to my kids.  What I love even more tonight is that though I get stuck reading a favorite story again and again.  They each never had the same one.
The Beans newest favorite is pretty cute and if I am going to read the same book every night I am glad that it's retro vibe pictures make me smile.

So, what's making you feel glad this week?

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