I have been amiss. I am finding my way. Not to say I am not feeling very satisfied by how this home schooling thing is going. I am very satisfied. I am really proud of our progress and our almost routine. It is awesome. I am without a doubt SURE that this is what is best for our kids. I am trying to figure out when and how I want to add my 5th grader to the mix. A day with him at home this week, I will admit scared the begeessiees outta me.
BUT, I need to find my way in being other than that again too.
I am other than a home school mom. I need to be creative for me too.
I need to let go of what is in front of me at times and move on.
That being said, here is an epiphany I had last night. (about school again of course. Oh well.)
I may have been living under a rock but did you know that the Percy Jackson series is all about greek gods???
We started a unit on Greek mythology this week and I happened to be doing my usual online search for activity ideas, lapbooks, or fun sheets. I wanted to make this unit fun because honestly one of my favorite studies I can remember is Greek mythology (and constellations). Anyway- I came across this bit of information, and my kids were just asking to watch that movie!
I have to say I am pretty excited in incorporating this into our lessons through the end of the year. I think my kids will really enjoy it! And I will too.
There is LOTS out there!!
Here is a link that has most of it all in one site:
I downloaded the 90+ page teachers guide last night. It is a pdf file and I plan on breaking it up and using the bits that work the best with our mythology handbook that we are using.
I found a little bit of stuff on Pagoo too: here
This "handbook" is adorable, interesting and FUN! Written from a Momma to her children as she is off in Greece studying Greece and mythology.
I may incorporate the actual books too, because the teachers guide helps touch on creative writing and reading comprehension as well.
Anyway- those were my recent thoughts. Hope to be on here again soon with pure PLAY.
on a funny note...they finally did watch the movie last night and were squealing with delight at the characters (gods) they have already studied. They loved it and I have most certainly lit a flame. I have been requested to paint a mural of the 12 olympians on a bedroom wall (tho, I don't think I will be going that far. LOL.)
But this is what I found on my mud room door this morning with groggy eyes. Hmm, I am teaching them this?
yes!! isn't percy jackson AWESOME?? and really what a fantastic way to learn about mythology. was always my favorite in school and i was amazed with how much i actually remembered while reading the pj series (in 4 days!!). the books are awesome. and why have i not blogged about it?? hmmm.. :) thanks for visiting my blog!!