Friday, May 4, 2012

feel good Friday. free compliments

you rock.

You really do.

Today is going to be a good day.

So spread the love.

{I think you can copy to this to your desktop and print it out.}
the size is 8.5 x 11
after you print it out. cut the straight lines on the bottom to make it easy for people to take their compliment. Go get yourself a coffee. tack it up. Sit in the back and watch what happens ;)
Then, if you do all this, come back and tell me!!

I'm not sure how to share goodies like this I've made for you, so if this doesn't work let me know!
AND I'll take any sharing tips you've got!!


  1. OH I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS! I'm printing it off right now. You are so awesome yourself Mrs. Aubrey! Happy Friday! xoxoxox

  2. also - i sent it to my friend and she said "are you going to print that out and put it at home where you can see it every day?" I guess she is right - we need to be complimenting ourselves just as much as we compliment others, right?

    1. absolutely!! yes. I have one hanging up for me to see right now ;)

  3. I just printed this off and am going to hang it up and see what happens!

  4. This is such a fun printable idea! But when I tried to copy this to my computer desktop, it only copies at a low res 72 dpi. Not sure if I am doing it incorrectly? I use for all my free printables.

  5. I especially like "you deserve a piece of chocolate." I should print that one out quadruple times :)

  6. I love this so much! I printed it out and its going on the fridge, but planning on printing more and leaving them around town. :))

  7. This is awesome, thank you! I'm going to post one on the coffee machine at work.

  8. This is awesome, thank you! I'm posting one on the coffee machine at work tomorrow. Can't wait!


It's fun to get love notes: