or at least this one will.
Be. Still. My. Heart. Turquoise. Antique. Goodness. A perfect display table with storage underneath!
Get out there. See if this gal can fly.
I have been thinking about doing it in the form of a local farmers market.
But there are two problems with this:
One: it is at the crack of cock-a-doodle-dawn on Saturday mornings.
And two: well, I'm kind of scared. What if I go there at the doodle-dawn and, NOTHING.
OR, what if I go and I just didn't bring all that I need and I have nothing to show off within an hour.
{not so much the last statement. But it COULD happen right?} See, I have no idea what I am doing!
DO I need to make a couple of each item? DO I want to sell more one of a kind stuff and make the peeps feel special?
this would make a super cute shop banner....
Though I have been a little wishy washy about this, I have been day dreaming about my set up. Cause that's the fun part. ;)
Thinking about my shop I wanted to use a couple items that are apart of it's story
"When Aubrey plays she imagines the smell of laundry hanging on a line over a crackled and old red pick up truck. She is just plain smitten by its perfection...."
the PERFECT business card holder. Don't you think?
"Close your eyes and imagine you have just stepped into the most MAGICAL shop.
Where laughter and kind words dance across an old turquoise table and fairies seem like they could almost be true. ....."
Guess what dudes??? It comes in turquoise!! It is also almost $500 bucks..but who cares, I'm day dreaming here. OF COURSE I HAVE A TURQUOISE TABLE BUT IT IS TOO BIG TO CART TO THE FARMERS MARKET SILLY.

of course I need a clothes line in the mix too. Maybe tied to the sides of a tent over my table with my purses hanging from it.
This one is so random but it would make a charming display/storage spot.
I love these as signs....
this would be dramatically brilliant hanging in the center with clutches hanging off it no?
Yep. That was quite the day dream. To see the rest of it and the complete links to all these awesome items go here. I'm talking antique, farmers market, display goodness.
Of course I can't get all these. Some maybe. Anyone want to make me really happy that truck really is PERFECT.
So the plan for now is to go spy this weekend at the market. Except now I've just told you so you may be there spying on me spying....or maybe I'll just take pictures and let you know what I think.
of course I need it!
wonder if it still works.....
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